Dark energy
Dark energy Dark energy which we think is neither dark, nor energy. It’s a very bad name, a very bad name. Roger Penrose, Andrew Hodges (2016)...
WOTD is a small experiment in daily fascinations (but not strictly each day). It is an attempt to map the most interesting word of the day - if there is one! - and this way create a catalog over time. The data is aggregated into a small graph, with a long-term goal of finding underlying connections (through e.g. finding the overlap with the connected graph of these topics on wikipedia).
Dark energy Dark energy which we think is neither dark, nor energy. It’s a very bad name, a very bad name. Roger Penrose, Andrew Hodges (2016)...
Surreal number Transfinite number Game of life Georg Cantor John Horton Conway Games
The diverse world of liquid crystals, Physics Today 60, 9, 54 (2007)
degrowth collapsology
metamaterial acoustics bandgap soundproofing
directed acyclic graph llvm gameboy z80